WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - As the first day of fireworks sales comes to a close, families are already stocking up for the next week of fun. But with it being one of the most dangerous holidays, firefighters have an important warning, and want to remind you what you can and can’t do in city limits.

“We're getting fireworks so we can like maybe let him off tomorrow or today,” said Ethan Cabral.

Kaitlyn Cabral and her son Ethan wasted no time Thursday to hop in line at the fireworks stands and kick off the festivities, and Ethan knew exactly what he was looking for.

“I mostly like firecrackers or things that shoot up in the air and blow up,” said Ethan.

Ethan says he understands that when it comes to fireworks, this much fun comes with a lot of responsibility.

"I would say like keep a hose nearby and try not to go by anything that could be set on fire," said Ethan.

Wichita Fire Department Battalion Chief Jose Ocadiz couldn’t agree more, urging people to celebrate responsibly.

"As we prepare for the firework season, we want to make sure that everyone is prepared to have a safety area, and the proper safety devices around to be able to extinguish any type of incidents or fires that occur from fireworks," said Ocadiz.

And that’s exactly what Kaitlyn says she’s doing with her family on Thursday.

"We go over rules before we start firing stuff. Just make sure everyone, like, listens and knows [to] keep their distance from each other, that type of thing. Just always keep a bucket of water around," said Kaitlyn.

Ocadiz says it’s also important to remember that, even though you can now buy the big aerial fireworks in Wichita, you can only shoot the smaller stuff until July 3rd.

Ocadiz says a good rule of thumb is if something you shoot goes above your house, it’s illegal until Wednesday. If you get caught, Ocadiz says it comes with big fines, starting at $1,000 for the first offense, and up to $2,000 for the third offense and each time after that.