PRATT, Kan. (KAKE) - Kansas wildlife officials say invasive rusty crayfish have been found in McPherson State Fishing Lake.

Kansas had never done widespread sampling for invasive crayfish until the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks recently funded a university project focused on the crustacean. KDWP funded the project with the goal of establishing sampling protocols that would then be used for long-term monitoring of both native and invasive crayfish in the state.

During capturing efforts at the state fishing lake, university researchers collected multiple rusty crayfish. This is the first time rusty crayfish have been documented in the wild in Kansas. Researchers found males and females of varying ages, indicating a reproducing population is establish in the lake.

"Unfortunately, this isn't the type of species staff and researchers would hope to find, as the rusty crayfish is an invasive species known for the considerable ecological damage it can cause in waterbodies," KDWP said in a news release.

The large, aggressive crayfish are known to attack the feet of unsuspecting humans and animals standing in freshwater and they outcompete both native fish and crayfish for cover against predators. 

KDWP Aquatic Nuisance Species coordinator Chris Steffen says the species likely made its way into Kansas through its use as fishing bait. 

"This species is a prime example of the importance of always draining water from your boat, livewell, and bilge before leaving a waterbody, and of never moving bait from one waterbody to another. You just never know what could be hitchhiking a ride," says Steffen. 

Staff and researchers on the crayfish project will continue to experiment with multiple capture methods and techniques on a small number of waterbodies around the state. Once an effective and efficient sampling protocol has been established, staff will start to sample more lakes across the state. 

The rusty crayfish can be identified by its trademark large, black-tipped claws and rust-colored spots on its upper shell. If you discover one, KDWP says to freeze is in a sealed plastic bag, note the date and location of the capture, and contact KDWP's Emporia Research and Survey Office at 316-342-0658.